“The sensation of Midnight” Some observation of life.
I went to my balcony a few minutes ago. I don’t know what happened to my mind. I’d seen a half-moon at the womb of the sky which dimmed by the stream of clouds. A gentle breeze flowed over mine. I’ve noticed that when I looked every time in the sky at midnight then something happened in my mind.
Life brings us as many joyful moments as it does downfalls, and although there are days we wish there was a manual to follow, it simply wouldn’t be the same without spontaneity. The journey of life may not become easier as we grow older, but we do seem to understand it better as our perspectives evolve. Whether you’re embarking on a new adventure right out of school or you want to explore different paths in your personal life, it’s never too late to change what the future looks like.
Today I’m gonna share some personal cogitation about life. Let’s contemplate life like a journey by train. There have a bunch of stoppages to throw & get every component of life. Sometimes we deem that we’ve lost something permanently. if we assume that our continuation is like a long journey of a train which has a lot of counters called lost & found. So, if we lost something that doesn’t mean that we can’t ever get them back, from my view.
Over that journey, anything can take off or takedown whenever they want even we can’t notice it or not. They take their decision from their observation whenever it should or shouldn’t. We are passing through our life between lots of usual boundaries, myths, mistakes, styles, thinkability, etc but we aren’t trying to change those matters that affect our life harshly. Over the million peoples of this earth, some of them probably try to make these things change but actually, they can’t because of their usual environment never teach them how to live life instead of the usual stuff. If everybody can make particular changes to their lives we can’t see that how rock-ribbed our life is. Everyone has a personal inspection of their life.
Can we love each & every people in this fascinating world, can’t we? to do such things we need to embellish our principles, our usual thinks, our usual style. I’ve noticed if we love someone from the eye of love then we can love them spotlessly. But our society teaches ourselves to love peoples whos have plenty of money, beautiful appearances, sunning lifestyle, luxurious car not to love who haven’t one of these things. We are so stupid, aren’t we? God built us not to hate somebody, not to look at somebody to hate.
“The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams.” -Eleanor Roosevelt
Ask yourself, are you satisfied? Ninety percent of peoples will answer that they are not happy unless they answered the flam. The truth is our smile is fake cause we don’t laugh properly from our soul.
“Your time is limited, so don’t waste it living someone else’s life. Don’t be trapped by dogma — which is living with the results of other people’s thinking.” -Steve Jobs
we need to elaborate our window as much as bigger than we have to exhaust our stresses to the planet so that planet recognizes our sorrow & give new expectancy. Life must have issues whether it’s small or big. We have to deal with all phenomena of life properly. Problems will come to demolish ourselves to stop but we have to prepare to fight & fix all those issues. if we can’t manage le them be a part of life & live with this. In our one & only life plenty of facts, we have to deal with. Let them approach so that we can discover how to deal with it.
“If you look at what you have in life, you’ll always have more. If you look at what you don’t have in life, you’ll never have enough.” -Oprah Winfrey
“The purpose of our lives is to be happy.” — Dalai Lama
We have to love, we have to laugh, we have to believe, we have to face, we have to deal, we have to compromise, we have to elaborate, we have to make……